Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week One Change

Change can be positive or negative.  Give an example of a positive change and then a negative change from your book.  What impact did this change have on the life of the character?  Read and respond to the comments of others.  Remember that this blog is supposed to be interactive-- a written conversation.  So... talk about it!


  1. this book sounds grose.In the begining it was bloody.0MG (mr)

  2. Garrretttt GRanDDiSSSSMay 3, 2011 at 9:30 AM

    i kinda like this BooK :]:]:]:]:]:]:]

  3. One change in the 1st quarter of the book is that Gary Paulson hunted when he was younger but at his age in the story he didn't hunt animals anymore.It changed the way he was in the outdoors, now he doesn't want to harm nature
    ANDY S. 6

  4. im not very far yet but so far but it was talking about how once he got the dogs it helped his job of catching bevers.

  5. Garrrettt GrannndisidisdsssMay 3, 2011 at 9:33 AM

    Micheal U spell gross like this GROSS

  6. this books sounds interesting. I agree with you micheal, it was bloody and garret i like your smiley faces

  7. i hope this book is better than sasquatch O:

  8. sasquach is amazing mr.nelson

  9. Redo this book sounds gross .In the begining it was all bloody. Garret i got posted before you.michael rohde.

  10. david cherne "pancake" :PMay 3, 2011 at 10:17 AM

    I read until chapter 2, then lost my book, and then regained it on Tuesday, so i'm not really familiar with changes in Woodsong yet...

  11. eye like dis book butt it wus kinda bloody in da beginnin'

  12. i like this book but is was kind of bloody in the beginning
